Monday, January 25, 2010

Hernia From Masterbation How Long Does A Hernia Operation Take To Recover From?

How long does a hernia operation take to recover from? - hernia from masterbation

I am convinced that I have a hernia, but I'm not sure how long it will recover, if I get an operation is necessary. Anyone who has experience with it?


blueflas... said...

2 weeks for normal activity 4 weeks of intense activity

John N said...

Well, first not convinced himself. You know go see a doctor and secure.

You will not be able to do hard work for four to six weeks, and perhaps two months. Since the repair of hernias, assemble some "mesh documented" in the hole. The muscle and skin is then developed on the grid and help make it permanent. Therefore, the long downtime. This does not mean that you can not go, etc. Just do you lift heavy objects that could tear the threads, and the new skin and muscles.

zeff. said...

1 How are you all? I had hernia surgery is when I was 16 .. taking a few weeks .. he took only 1 to 2 weeks ... and can do whatever you want ... Advice, but you can not lift heavy things ..

baldie said...

I had a hernia in the groin and put it on a screen, and it took me about 2 weeks on the road in order.

Ashley Q said...

My boss had surgery for a hernia in the groin and back to work and still the same in 3 days. HES 40 years and in good shape.

Uncle Vince said...

I got up and about in 3 days, makes sport again 2 weeks

Uncle Vince said...

I got up and about in 3 days, makes sport again 2 weeks

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