Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Types Of Schizophrenia More Condition_symptoms Different Types Of Schizophrenia, Can Anyone Help?

Different types of schizophrenia, can anyone help? - types of schizophrenia more condition_symptoms

Can anyone in detail what (explain in detail between schizophrenia and normal catanoic I think this is the way to write: S) for schizophrenia.
And not everyone know if there are several types of schizophrenia?
Thank you, and help would be great:)


Wowomg said...

The three main types are paranoid, catatonic, unorganized. The three of them have a kind of psychosis, but very different symptoms of psychosis. However, it is potentially a very complex disease, and any combination of symptoms, but is defined in three main categories.

Paranoid schizophrenia involves a person with paranoid delusions that someone is trying to hurt them in any way. They often have strange beliefs that significantly affect your life, like believing that someone tried to poison, so that they can not eat foods that were prepared. They sometimes have ideas of reference (the irrational belief that an event has on the individual context of special importance particularly directed against the person). This species is regarded as the hallucinations.

Disorganized schizophrenia is when the individual modes of transport is very disorganized thinking seriously disrupt your life. Often not in a position to difficult tasks, and perform some people are not even capable of feeding the River ThamesIves. His speech is incoherent and often have difficulty communicating with people. Other common symptoms are loss of emotions, anhedonnia (inability to experience pleasure), apathy (decreased motivation). Disorganized schizophrenia find it difficult to care about them, and some patients who suffer from severe to live with a caregiver.

Catatonic schizophrenia causes a person to the engine problems that can cause a variety of symptoms. A common symptom is the tendency to sit for hours in the same situation, and keep yourselves around in front of the seemingly unknown space around them. You can also show waxy flexibility (if you move a part of your body will hold this position, no matter how it is inconvenient) and sometimes it can mimic the actions of others. You can also use common sense and random movements that seem to have an external stimulation.

There are two subtypes of less often known as undifferentiated and residual types. The undifferentiated type is when a person has psychotic symptomss, but does not meet the criteria to be diagnosed with one of the three main types. The type of waste is when positive symptoms (symptoms, indicating that the person who does not normally suffer from hallucinations, delusions, etc.) are present, but with low intensity.

Mark O said...

catatonic, and we believe a more aggressive you can understand what their mines in a clear and direct action to influence what they have heard or can not, the reality of their environment could have imagined

while the less aggressive voice is heard and understood not really be able to know what they hear voices in the interpretation of their thoughts a bit of a jumble of words without meaning.

The separation from his memories, imagination, dream and reality
Combine reality and allows no 4 in a single reality

james said...


There are five types of schizophrenia, even if I call them all. Catatonic, but if a person is completely insensitive to external stimuli. I have what is called schizo-affective, is a different type of bipolar disorder. There is also a paranoid schizophrenic speaks for itself.

Gary said...

Google: "catatonic schizophrenia". I think that, if someone is not for a long time. Another type is paranoid schizophrenia, for example, when someone might think that the Govt. By espionage on the TV. There are several types of schizophreniform disorder.

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